Pain of all types can be addressed with acupuncture
Acupuncture naturally addresses both acute and chronic pain due to traumatic injury or repetitive stress, by enhancing circulation, reducing inflammation, and stimulating healing. Studies have shown that when acupuncture is administered, parts of the brain associated with pain management are ‘lit up,’ showing the positive effects of acupuncture on certain pain receptors. It has also been shown in study after study, that acupuncture reduces site-specific inflammation and brings blood flow to painful areas, aiding in faster recovery. Acupuncture excels at treating pain. There is a saying in Chinese Medicine that goes, “Where there is movement, there is no pain.” Acupuncture works powerfully and often quite quickly, to heal the body and illuminate pain.
Pain for car, bike or related accidents
Repetitive Strain Injuries
Neuralgia and Neuropathy
Muscle Spasms and Myofascial Pain
Arthritis, Bursitis and Tendonitis
Sprains and Strains
Fibromyalgia pain
Stroke and TIA rehabilitation
Parkinson’s disease
Sports, Dance, Martial-Arts and Occupational Injuries
Post-surgical recovery
Direct Billing to ICBC is available for those injured in an accident within the last 12 weeks
Pain Conditions Treated by region of the body
Head and Face: Headaches and Migraines, Dental and Jaw pain, TMJ Syndrome, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bell’s Palsy
Back: Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, SI Joint pain, Lumbar disc pain, Radiculopathy, Degenerative Discs, Facet Joint Pain and Arthritis, Myofascial pain syndrome
Neck: Cervicalgia, Sprain and Strains, Cervical disc pain, Radiculopathy, Degenerative Discs, Facet Joint pain and Arthritis, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Whiplash
Shoulder and Upper Arm: Acromioclavicular (AC) joint sprains, Rotator Cuff impingement syndrome, Shoulder tendonitis/bursitis
Elbow, Forearm, Wrist and Hand: Carpal tunnel syndrome, Epicondylitis, Golfer’s elbow, Tennis elbow, Hand and finger sprains and arthritis, RSI (Repetitive Stress Injuries)
Hip, Thigh, and Knee: Ligament sprains, Iliotibial band (IT band) pain, Knee meniscus injuries, Knee osteoarthritis, Patellar bursitis and tendonitis, Patello-femoral pain, Hamstring and Quadriceps strains and tendonitis
Calf, Ankle and Foot: Achilles tendinitis, tendinosus, sprains, Calcaneal bursitis, Calf strains, Plantar fascitis, Shin splints.