If modern society could be characterized by one common experience, it would have to be stress. While a low level of periodic stress may be a physiologically healthy response, many of us live in a perpetual state of stress. What’s more is that we don’t often acquire the tools necessary to effectively manage our stress, which further perpetuates the cycle. Chronic, unmanaged stress is known to be extremely harmful to our well-being – wreaking havoc on all aspects of our physiology and psyche.
Stress signals a nervous system response and a subsequent hormonal cascade in our bodies that set off an internal alarm system that puts us into “fight-or-flight” mode. Consequently, heart rate and blood pressure increase, immune and digestive functioning become suppressed, and mood fluctuates dramatically. For these reasons, common side effects of chronic stress might include anxiety, depression, insomnia, weight gain and digestive problems, impaired memory and concentration, and that just names a few! Let’s face it – stress is inevitable, but it’s so important that we are supported in our health and sometimes guided to learn healthy ways of coping with stress to mitigate these side effects. Acupuncture is incredibly effective for helping to manage stress and reducing unwanted side effects of stress. The potent combination of simply relaxing in the treatment room, along with the insertion of acupuncture needles and feeling genuinely supported, biologically and chemically alters stress mechanisms such that our bodies can return to a state of balance and grounding. Receiving regular treatment has a cumulative effect in helping the body maintain this balance, equipping us both physiologically and psychologically to respond to stress with more resilience. Chinese Medicine sees the body, mind and emotional health as inseparable parts.
Here are just a few of the Emotional Health Conditions that Celina Treats Frequently in her practice
Mental and Emotional Stress
Learning and Cognitive issues: ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, CTE (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy), Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia
Eating disorders
Addictions : alcohol, drugs, smoking cessation